Length: 12ft
Width: 28 gw / 28 mx / 24.5 wl
Sheer: 14 bw / 11 ms / 13 st
Weight: 19 lbs
Where do you want to go? If your sense of curiosity takes you up narrow streams or under low-hanging trees to explore hidden coves, the ADK is the canoe for you. Extremely lightweight for impulsive paddles, never a struggle to load this boat on the car. Sitting low in the water, feel free to use your kayak paddle. Your heavy kayaks will collect dust in the garage.
3 in stock
Length: 12ft
Width: 28 gw / 28 mx / 24.5 wl
Sheer: 14 bw / 11 ms / 13 st
Weight: 19 lbs