Black hawk Zephyr solo


The zephyr was maybe the best Black Hawk canoe produced.  It was mildly fishform with a veed stern, which self Skegged. Phill Sigglekow, both designer and manufacturer, was a very innovative guy and master tooler. That 2 track sliding seat rig of his solved all problems for trim and variability. It was a design tour de force. All that considered, it tracked pretty well, compensating for those solo paddlers who carry the blade too far aft and induce yaw. at 14+ ft, it’s minimal wetted surface mad it a quick little hull. All in all, a fine little boat that was ideal of mid sixxed, intermeiate, paddlers


length 14-2

width 26 3/4 /25

weight  36

depth 17/11 1/2 /11